Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

A Week of Summer Writing Retreat on Lake Simcoe

June 22nd – 29th, 2012

What could you create in seven uninterrupted days of writing on the shores of Lake Simcoe?

Following on the great success of our 2011 Writing Retreats, we will be offering two more retreats in 2012 for you to find out how much writing you can get done using our unique format!

Inkslingers returns to the Loretto MaryHolme Retreat Centre (Only an hour from Toronto) for seven days. maryholme0506 004

Each day you will have the entire morning in silence to write.

Each day you will also have the opportunity to submit work to the facilitators for same-day feedback.


Some evenings you will have the opportunity to write in community with other writers.

Some days you may choose to offer gentle feedback to others in the group.


And EVERY day you make the decision to support yourself as a writer in whatever way you need the most!

The objective is to leave the retreat exhilarated with what you have accomplished as a writer and inspired to write more.

Both facilitators have extensive experience as writers, editors and educators:
They are experienced freelance non-fiction writers and editors.
Their A Novel Approach year-long workshops attest to a refined expertise in fiction and memoir feedback.
James has been editing and publishing Canadian poetry for seven years.
Sue is an award winning novelist.

Please visit the About section to learn more about the level of feedback you can expect.

Chef Deb

And if having 7 glorious summer days to write, receive feedback and share the writer’s journey isn’t enough incentive, you will be nourished by the signature sumptuous meals of Chef Deborah A. Rankine!

To learn more about the culinary expertise of Chef Deb,
please visit:

The InkSlingers’ Writing Retreat Location:
maryholme0506 006
Loretto Maryholme is a spirituality centre, a ministry of the Canadian Loretto Sisters with a special focus on the areas of justice, education, and spirituality. Located at Roches Point on a hilltop overlooking Lake Simcoe, this glorious 1870’s historic family estate offers a place to rest and renew yourself.

As you travel down the lane of tall pines and spirea to the spectacular lake view you can feel yourself relaxing into that mindset that inspires great writing.

Slideshow of Retreat Centre
To see a slideshow of images from the Retreat Centre, click here.



Please note that although the Centre is owned and operated by the Canadian Loretto Sisters, they do not reside on the premises and will not be attending the retreats.

June 22nd – 29th, 2012

Registration Fees:


$1,850. (sales tax of $213. included)

Registration fees cover all tuition, meals and accommodations.



To register, please fill out the form below and when you hit “Submit” you will be taken to a PayPal page to pay your registration fee. Your spot is not reserved until Inkslingers has received your payment.

A $100 discount will be deducted from the final payment for all Writers’ Community of Durham Region (and affiliate) members. Please advise us at the time of your registration.


Cancellation Policy:
After June 3rd, no refunds will be available, although, if the retreat is sold out, fully paid retreatants may transfer their fee to those on the waiting list, or another person if there is no waiting list.

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