Your Writing Project – Mentored by Sue Reynolds
Are you looking for some one-on-one coaching for your writing project?
Sometimes workshops just aren’t the right fit for your project. You’re not at the beginning – you’ve already done a substantial amount of work but you’re a bit stuck. You’re not quite sure if the story is working. You need someone to read what you’ve done and help you untangle the plot.
- Or you need reassurance it’s working because you’ve lost perspective.
- Or you need honesty about what’s not working and help with figuring out how to fix that.
- Or the timing of joining a workshop isn’t right for you. You can’t do evenings. Or mornings.
- Or you need some intensive editing on short pieces that you want to submit.
- Or you need accountability, because unless you’ve promised someone that you’re going to produce work by this time, and you’ve put your money where your promise is, you just don’t produce.
There can be a hundred different reasons why someone will reach out for some one-on-one coaching or mentoring on a manuscript project. A big project like a book can be so daunting.
Over the years I’ve helped many people fulfill their aspirations as writers. Sometimes it’s working with them to help them overcome writers’ block. Sometimes it’s readying short pieces to submit to journals or contests. Sometimes it’s helping them work their way through the second draft of their manuscript.
Sometimes it’s helping them work their way through the first draft of a manuscript–though I really love the “A Novel Approach” workshops for that. The support of a small and dedicated community as well as the biweekly feedback from me has proven so helpful time and time again, that if it’s possible for someone to join one of those workshops to do their first draft, I strongly encourage it.
But those groups begin every September and maybe this is January and you’re champing at the bit to live up to your New Year’s resolution and get that book done now.
Whatever the reason you’re considering working with me one-on-one, you probably have lots of questions about how that would work. Here are some answers:
How does it work?
You book my time in 10 hour blocks. Most mentoring relationships are for biweekly meetings (unless another arrangement has been made). Meetings will be held online using Zoom technology or by telephone. When you book your 10 hours, you and I will schedule all the dates and times for the sessions. If you’re submitting 3000 words, then usually a 10 hour block will mean 5+ hours of editing and 5 zoom or phone consultations.
For each biweekly session you will submit up to 3000 words no later than midnight three days before the scheduled appointment. (For instance, if the scheduled meeting is Thursday at 12 noon, I must receive your piece by midnight on the preceding Monday).
Do I have to pay before I know if this is going to work for me?
No. You and I will have a complimentary discussion, lasting between 30 minutes and one hour, before your first 10-hour agreement begins. This discussion will probably cover, among other things, the current state of your writing project, your ideas about the process, the current state of your relationship with yourself as a writer, and your ultimate ambition for the book (i.e., traditional publishing, contest entry or answering a call for submission, no intent to publish, just for family and friends, self-publishing for a commercial market, etc.).
What kind of feedback/editing is available through a mentorship?
Feedback really depends on your particular project and needs. Some writers need substantive help with plot, character, motivation, conflict, rising and falling action, etc. Some writers need help with elements of writers craft. Some writers need help with structure.
Editing may include substantive, line edits, copy-edits and/or proofreading (depending on what you need and want). Your manuscript will be returned to you digitally with my comments included via the MSWord reviewing tool.
What if I already have a substantial amount of manuscript written?
If you have any material already written that you would like me to read before the mentorship begins, I would be happy to do that, but the number of hours it takes me to do read it and any discussion we have about it, will be deducted from your first 10 hour block.
What if I miss a meeting?
If you need to cancel a manuscript consultation meeting for your submitted work, I require at least 24 hours notice. (for instance, if your appointment is 3:00 on Thursday, I must receive notice no later than 3:00 Wednesday). In this situation, I will suggest a mutually agreeable alternate time as close to the date as possible.
If your work is not emailed to me by the submission deadline, our conference appointment will be automatically moved to our next scheduled appointment time, two weeks later.
If you’re interested in working with me as a private mentored client, please fill out the contact form and let me know. I can only take a small number of clients at a time, but as projects get finished, sometimes another spot opens up.
How much does it cost?
A block of 10 hours is $700 plus HST. If you need a smaller amount of time–editing for a single short magazine submission–it’s possible that arrangements could be made for fewer hours depending on how full my client roster is. On the other hand, all unused mentorship minutes are refundable.
Want to hear about other writer’s experiences with me?
Click here to read testimonials.
Interested in having a conversation about working together? Please use the CONTACT FORM on this website to set up a convenient time.