Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Testimonials for Pyjama Writing

I’ve been participating in the PJ Writing sessions since they began in January, and they quickly became an essential part of my writing practice. I can’t remember a time when I got so much writing done as I have these past months. I love looking up from my writing and seeing so many talented, dedicated writers working on their projects. It inspires and motivates me to continue working on mine. ~ Wendy Lewis

Over the past number of years life took me in directions that I never expected. Add the pandemic to that mix, and I’ve actually felt paralyzed for the past year. I’ve taken all of the courses and workshops that I care to take – for now. I knew what I had to do, but no amount of guilt, and people telling me what I should be doing, provided me with the motivation that I needed. I’ve always benefited from making a date to write with others, and did so for years. PJ writing came along at just the right time – the right time to write. So much so, that I’m getting up early most mornings to work on my manuscript. Thanks Sue. And to everyone else who shows up. ~ Cath Daley

Pyjama Writing has been invaluable in getting my memoir written! Three times a week I commit to show up and write. The ease with which I can sign up, get a link, join in and write makes it perfect for my busy life. I love the shared energy of seeing others make the same commitment; I love the accountability to each other; I love reading a sentence or two from each person’s project; I am inspired by, and invested in, this PJ community of writers 🙂 ~ Kate Marshall Flaherty

For the first time in my life I have discovered that I can visit a sweet spot in the early hours, before the veil of sleep is completely lifted, when my mind truly enjoys creative wandering without self editing. Seeing, or simply sensing the presence of fellow, gently buzzing minds gives me both comfort and incentive to write and, before I know it, the hour is up! – Raissa Chernushenko

I so appreciate having a dedicated hour in which to focus on my writing without the distractions of email and social media. It’s inspiring to seeing everyone hard at work in this supportive space. Thanks Sue for facilitating this forum. -Joanne Culley

I do the 7:30 am on Wed. Love the time to say hello or wave to all. This started me on a manageable routine. I now write for 2 hours 4 days a week as PJ writing showed me just how easy it is to sit in the chair and write. Turns out this is the only way to do it. Sit. Write. Funny to learn this AGAIN. – Claire Sullivan

Making the effort to show up early in the morning helps keep me aware of the commitment I made to myself, to honour that part of me that wants to be put on the page. The presence of others who have made the effort to get up early to write is an inspiration. There is a sense of common purpose, an energy both enabling and supportive. I glance up and see others bent over their notebooks, and know that am not alone in the work that is writing; I am with others, each one immersed in her art. Feels good. – Beth Girard

Sue cultivates a welcoming and inclusive time and space to gather from a distance and invest in ourselves, in our craft, in our voice, and in our purpose. – Erika MacNeil

PJ writing gives me a sense of community support and commitment. I love the feeling of writing early with others and knowing I have begun my writing life in earnest before breakfast! – Janet Johnston

I took a short time out from PJ Writing to take a university-level creative writing course. Re-joining PJ Writing is my first writing commitment since that ended. I know from earlier experience with these sessions they will keep me engaged in completing the restructuring of my CNF manuscript. – Cheryl Andrews

Pajama writing is my lifesaver. It has kept me accountable to my writing after a Covid year of no progress on my novel. I am now on chapter 8 of my rewrite, plot outline. The best part is having a routine which keeps me in my story three or four times a week, and keeps my story fresh every day. And seeing happy, concentrated, puzzled and gleeful faces each time keeps me motivated. – Rosalyn Cronin

I so appreciated the Pyjama Writing sessions! Somehow it is easier for me to commit to someone else when it comes to getting my “writer’s butt” in the chair!! Have written more in the past two months on my memoir than I did for past two years. Thanks so much Sue!! Heather Gillespie

I get so much accomplished in pajama writing. The community and quiet of other writers has been invaluable to me in working on my writing project. I look forward to it every week. – Terri Greening

I get a kick out of these PJ sessions! The “Bring your hot beverage and come-as-you-are” ambience is low pressure. Sue’s gentle suggestions to set an intention at the beginning, and consider a next step at the end (so easy to skip when alone) helps me get focussed –– and to stay more focussed between sessions. I feel full of joy seeing fellow writers who are honouring their hearts, and the “celebration” at the end, when we put forth a favourite line. I was already pretty good at creating my own structure for writing, but my discipline had begun to unravel. When I booked a couple of these, I doubted I would last, free spirit that I am. Now I’m full of excitement at the anticipation of each one. – Jane Upham

Pyjama Writing has offered me the ritual of focused attention to writing. Otherwise, I might spend that hour imagining what I could write. ~ Cheryl Hassan

This has become the most productive writing hour of my week. During that hour, (it usually turns into at least two hours), I am committed to a very specific writing task and the time frame keeps me focused on that task. I get inspired by the company of other writers who all appear to be working very hard on their craft. – Marg Wilson

I feel deeply supported by the collective energy created within in the group. ~ Jaana Lehtola

PJ writing for me is an hour of freedom to write wherever my thoughts, my imagination or my pen takes me. My pen is the most playful, my imagination is eager to explore inner landscapes and my thoughts help me navigate tricky territories with wisdom sprinkled over it. At the end of the hour it can be all surprising nonsense but it is a great celebration of free writing! To be continued….what a gift. – Nienke Merbis

Your PJ writing times have prompted me to write again after a long hiatus! I’ve been writing ever since. With thanks for your brilliant idea! – Diana Cawfield

Sue Reynold’s brilliantly simple Pyjama Writing workshops invite me to focus on my writing in the company of other focussed writers for an hour. Yet, long after the workshop has ended, I have an energy and concentration that drives me through hours of writing. – Kath Jonathan

I’ve been in Pyjama Writing each Wednesday morning for several weeks now. Focussing on the next session encourages me to ponder and plot during the week so I come prepared with a specific piece for the simple joy of writing in that magical shared hour. My WIP is humming along beautifully. 🙂 – Jacqueline Visconti

the space for me is filled with comfort, respect, and trust, much like the physical space we shared when we could gather to write in person. Thank you for this opportunity to hang out with all of you. – Laurel Karry

The PJ writing experience is the best gift I’ve ever been given. It allows me time to write quietly within a giving community. I’ve written a great deal since beginning PJ writing and actually believe that I will finish my novel sooner rather than later. An amazing experience. – Gail Cunningham

Participating in PJ writing has given me structure and motivation to write more frequently. A bonus for me during this pandemic is the feeling that I am part of a writing community. – Barbara Joy Bruce

I am enjoying the Monday evening pajama sessions a great deal. I find myself in a more writerly frame of mind. I am writing more frequently on my own as ideas come to me more frequently and I am eager to get them on on paper. I now am searching out my other pieces of writing from the past to see if I can edit them. – Ellen Richards

I always love writing in Sue’s company and this is a great way to add structure to the discipline of creating bounded time and space for the act of writing, and to be in such a large group of writing focussed friends is inspiring. – Jon Oelrichs

You may not think that sitting in front of a group of silent, focused writers and working on your own project will bring the magic, but it absolutely does. A dedicated place and time to create has moved my writing along at a steady, satisfying pace, with the added bonus of gentle guidance and a supportive community. – Jane Dirks

These pyjama sessions have been invaluable. I find it so hard to carve out time for writing and to hold myself accountable to my writing. It’s easy to let other things get in the way and avoid putting pen to paper. Knowing that someone is expecting me to show up for my writing, even in this nebulous way, has really helped me to get my bum in the seat and write. I haven’t written this much pretty much ever, so I am very grateful for these sessions. – Kaitlin Thornber

Wake up your muse with Pyjama Writing with Sue Reynolds, a communal writing experience from the comfort of your own jammies. – JR MacLean

Seeing familiar faces when I glance at the screen is both comforting and inspiring. I have to manage my curiosity about what others are writing. – Carol Good

Being in a virtual Zoom room with other writers focused on writing has helped me to tackle a stalled project. I write like there’s no tomorrow in that hour and pages are filling up with material I can return to later and shape. Pyjama Writing is a blessing, and Sue is a wonderful facilitator. – Brenda Clews

Pyjama writing has given me the gift of accountability. Instead of just creating blocks of time in my calendar, which are easily pushed aside for more “urgent” matters like replying to emails or reading updates in my news feed, I have made a promise to other people to show up. And that makes all the difference in the world. I’m very grateful and have been getting a lot done. Thank you Sue and James for making this happen. – Elaine Jackson

Even though I’m not working on anything specific and hardly consider myself to be a writer these days, it brings me a great deal of comfort to be connected to others absorbed in their tasks for an hour. And then there’s that I Love Canada thing… – Ronna Rajaniemi

I’m thrilled with the opportunity to write with you and so many others. It’s amazing how I arrive tired, after working 8 or 9 hours and am able to sink into something. I’ve been very pleased with most pieces, and surprised at what comes up to be finished or birthed. – Anita Adams

I love working with your PJ Writing. For an hour I’m focused, creative and grateful. – Sandra Block

Pyjama Writing has been a great experience! I discovered that evening is the perfect time to write; all chores and worries are out of the way. It is peaceful and I get a lot done. I tried to make Morning Pages a routine but that time is not good for me. Having a habit, routine, and accountability works really well for me.- Sue Shortt

I have found the PJ writing very helpful in regaining my interest in writing. I feel very encouraged enough so that I’m thinking of joining a writing session when the Pandemic is over. I think the main thing I’m enjoying is the freedom of not sharing everything. That being said though I have written 9 pages this past week that I would have been happy to share in another class. Thank you for opening the flood gates again. – Georgie Williamson

Pajama writing with Sue has been a real treat, and has given me some helpful nudges of encouragement and guidance toward my writing goals. – David Hatcher

What a beautiful soul boost at the end of the day, or to start the morning on a creative, productive foot, knowing you’re writing, creating, weaving in the company of others. It is my meditation, my expression, my peaceful time.
This, PJ Writing, has made all the difference this year. – Cheryl Maclean


I am so thankful for these sessions. It is very easy to put my writing aside when I am not writing with a group.
I love the pyjama sessions because I can work in silence and when I look up from my work, I see people working and thinking and writing. We are accomplishing these goals together without the pressure of a deadline. – Maria Marchese


Participating in PJ mornings has shifted my writing to a place of consistency and intention that I’d been trying to sustain unsuccessfully on my own.~ Karen Toews https://karentoews.com/