Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Writing Prompt – September 29 2010

Setting 01

Setting 02

Setting 03

Choose one of these pictures – whichever has the most energy for you. How does this fit into what you’re writing?

If you’re a novelist, it may be the opening setting for a scene, or it may be part of a character’s memory or backstory. Begin by describing a few very specific physical details of the place. These are pictures – they supply the visual – don’t forget to include smells and the sense of sound and touch as well.

If you’re a memoirist, likely one of these pictures reminds you of someplace you know. As in the fiction prompt above, begin with the physical details of place and then move on to wherever that takes you in memory. Again, don’t forget the senses of smell, sound and touch in the description.

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