Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

SoulCollage® with Sue Reynolds

SoulCollage dates for Spring 2020 are postponed till the Covid-19 crisis is past..

SoulCollage® is a creative, fun tool for easy, intuitive, artful Self-exploration and Self-expression developed by Seena B. Frost, M. Div., M.A. It is an artistic, creative process that is accessible to everyone, even those people who believe they have no artistic ability.

Using imagination and intuition, each participant creates his or her own deck of collaged cards from simple materials: magazine images, photographs, scissors, glue, and heavy card.

Each card represents some aspect of the Self; this practice honors the personal journey of each individual, while promoting personal growth and self-acceptance.

Once an individual SoulCollage® card has been created, participants are invited to step deeper into each card through journaling, visualization and other activities. Once a participant has enough cards, doing “readings” with a personal SoulCollage® deck is possible – readings that can help illuminate the answers to life questions for each seeker.

Teachers, therapists, and people all over the world use this powerful process in workshops and psychotherapy, classrooms, retreats, and coaching sessions (to name a few). There are more than 1000 trained SoulCollage® Facilitators worldwide.

To see a slideshow of SoulCollage cards, please click here. (Please note – you will be taken to Sue’s GoForWords website.)

To read more about Soul Collage you can visit www.soulcollage.com, Seena Frost’s home website, or www.kaleidosoul.com, the website of the dynamic Anne Marie Bennett.

SoulCollage dates for Spring 2020 are postponed till the Covid-19 crisis is past..

04 Source maybe

05 Divine Child 1

06 Fun 1

03 Sacred feminine