Let’s Get Writing
Please note: this workshop is full; please tell us if you would like to be on the waiting list
An online writing workshop in the AWA method
Being seen and feeling heard is an especially healing balm when we are physically distanced and feeling isolated.
• Do you love to write but you aren’t doing it regularly?
• Or did you love to write at some earlier time and have been wishing to get back to it?
• Do you have something you want to get on the page during these unusual times?
Give yourself the gift of regular creative writing time. In this four-workshop series, you will exercise and strengthen your writing voice with a small group of writers and the support of two AWA workshop facilitators. We will use the Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) method developed by Pat Schneider (Writing Alone and With Others) to ensure we create, listen and learn together.
You do not have to consider yourself “a writer” to join this workshop. The AWA structure that supports these workshops creates an environment of support and equality where it is safe for each participant to explore and experiment with their writing and their writing voice, whether they are just beginning their writing journey, taking it up again after many years away, or whether they are an established writer who needs time and focus to support new or ongoing projects. All genres celebrated: poetry, fiction, non-fiction, memoir, essay, plays and hybrid forms.
Thursday Afternoons – June 18, 25, July 2, 9
Time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Place: ONLINE through the Zoom Platform (it’s also possible to join by telephone).
Registration Fee: $80.
We know that the pandemic has increased uncertainty about personal finances for many people, and offer the option of pay-what-you-can for those who need it. To discuss an adjustment to the registration fee, please request a conversation about options in the “Message” field in the registration form. Your message will be confidential straight to our inboxes.
These workshops are facilitated by:
Sue Reynolds
Susan Lynn Reynolds is an award-winning novelist and poet, a writing instructor, and a practicing psychotherapist. Her specialty is the therapeutic use of journaling and expressive writing. She has been certified in the AWA Method since 2002. Her joy comes largely from helping others find their authentic voices, their truths and their stories. |
Carol Good
Carol is committed to life-long learning. She is a Certified Professional Facilitator and has been the Principal of Good Consulting since 1993 when she and her family moved to Caledon. Carol graduated from the Gestalt Institute of Toronto’s Advanced Therapy Training program in 2014. In July 2019, she completed the Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA) Workshop Leader training program. She is now combining these three skillsets to facilitate AWA writing workshops. |
Both Sue and Carol are AWA Affiliates, Certified in the Amherst Writers Method of facilitating workshops that impart writers’ craft technique in an environment of creative safety and exploration. |
Register for “Let’s Get Writing”
Please note: this workshop is full; please tell us if you would like to be on the waiting list
When you have hit “SEND” in the registration form above, please pay for the course using either the PayPal button below or send $80.00 + 10.40 HST ($90.40) via etransfer to: goodconsulting@sympatico.ca