Update for October 2017
What’s in this Newsletter:
- A Novel Approach First Draft begins this coming week for its 9th year – For the first time ever, Sue is teaching it in both Oshawa (biweekly Wednesday evenings 7-9:30 pm) and in Toronto (biweekly Monday afternoons 1-3:30 pm)!Will this be the year you keep that promise to yourself to get that book written?
- Some Upcoming Contests and Calls for Submission
- A Few Spots Still Available in Poetry Sanctuary this Fall
A Novel Approach 2017-18 Toronto and Oshawa
Sue has long wanted to offer A Novel Approach farther afield than Uxbridge and Newmarket, so she is absolutely delighted that she’s been able to partner with Firefly Creative Writing in Toronto to offer A Novel Approach in their brand new creative writing space on the Danforth. She’s long admired the work of Chris Kay Fraser and the community she’s created and was absolutely delighted when Chris agreed that Firefly was the perfect Toronto home for this year’s group.
And she’s equally delighted that the marvelous Deb Rankine, a.k.a. The Fridge Whisperer, has offered to host the Oshawa group this year.
The dates of the biweekly workshops are here at this link:
A Novel Approach Class Calendar
The workshops begin next week, so don’t wait any longer! If you’re unfamiliar with the course information you can read all about it on A Novel Approach. To register, please go to this link:
Register for A Novel Approach 2017 – 2018
By June of next year you can be cradling your weighty print copy of your first draft in your arms – a physical 70,000 word, 300 page tome!
Sue will also be offering two more SoulCollage workshops this fall – one each in Newmarket and Sharon. If you’re interested in being notified about these, please contact her directly at suereynolds@goforwords.com
Gift yourself a full day immersed in verse.

Ready to Begin Writing
The combination of inspiration, learning, silence, sharing and great food will make your muse delirious with gratitude.
Join James Dewar and 7 other poets this autumn at Poetry Sanctuary.
November 18th is sold out, but there are 2 spots left on October 22nd and 3 on December 10th.
Take home a poem (or 2, or 3) you will want to share with the world.
Visit Poetry Sanctuary to learn more and register
Sue and James are delighted to announce that they have been asked to be the judges for the inaugural Melody Richardson Memorial Contest Sponsored by the Muskoka Authors Association.
For More Information about the contest click here: Melody Richardson Memorial Contest
Deadline October 15th.
Call for Submission to Anthology
Mansfield Press has put out a call for submissions to the anthology: “Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem”
Current statistics predict 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. We need more art to understand the complexity and dimensions of what this means.
So please join us in this landmark groundbreaking anthology on the subject of cancer; whether from a patient, survivor, caregiver, loved one, doctor, surgeon, alternative healer, compassionate human being, body part or disease itself point of view.
This anthology aims to offer new ways of seeing, understanding, and representing this ordinary and extraordinary experience; with a full spectrum of emotions spanning the tragic and comic.
We believe the imagination and poetry have their own parts to play in our contemporary healing warehouse. And we invite you to demonstrate this power as we bring together an exciting group of contemporary poems and poets tackling the “c” word in unexpected and affecting ways.
Please send between one and four poems on the topic of cancer in any poetic style/form and from any perspective to dysfunctionalpoems@gmail.com plus a 100-word author bio.
Previously published poems are welcome as long as the author owns the copyright and gives us permission to reprint, and as long as the poem was published after the year 2000.
Deadline: November 30, 2017
Sign up for our updates for contests and calls for submissions. (Subscription in the sidebar to the right) New calls added regularly!