Writing Workshop
Pat Schneider Ontario Writing Retreat Autumn 2013
Pat’s 2012 Retreat was fully booked within 2 days of confirming the details. Pat has just agreed to come back to Ontario in Autumn 2013
October 20-25th
Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity!
Limited to 12 participants. .
“The wisest teacher of writing I know.”
—Peter Elbow author of Writing Without Teachers, (from the foreword of Pat’s Writing Alone and with Others)
“Honesty is creative oxygen.
Generosity is creative fire.
Pat Schneider is a fuse lighter. Her work is gentle, playful,
brilliant, and revolutionary.”
— Julia Cameron author of The Artist’s Way
To visit Pat’s website, click HERE.
In May of 2011 Pat Schneider led a five day retreat/writing workshop on the shores of Lake Simcoe in the beautiful Loretto MaryHolme Retreat Centre. (Loretto Maryholme Centre)
Inkslingers is thrilled to announce that Pat will be returning in fall of 2013 from the evening of October 20th to after lunch on October 25th. This retreat will consist of writing with Pat for four hours every morning. The rest of the day is given over to each retreatant continuing to write, read, relax, walk, meditate or whatever needs to be done to support your writer’s soul, in community with other writers.
A manuscript may be sent ahead of time for one on one consultation with AWA facilitator Sue Reynolds who will be aiding and supporting Pat during the retreat.
To register for Pat’s Ontario retreat, please fill out the contact form below. As soon as the details have been confirmed as to venue, we will contact you to pay a deposit of $500.
7 Day Summer Writing Retreat
July 4th to 10th
What could you create in seven uninterrupted days of writing on the shores of Lake Simcoe?
In July 2011 you have the chance to find out.
Inkslingers returns to the Loretto MaryHolme Retreat Centre (Only an hour from Toronto) for seven days. Each day you will have the entire morning in silence to write.
Each day you will also have the opportunity to submit work to the facilitators for same-day feedback.
Some evenings you will have the opportunity to write in community with other writers.
Some days you may choose to offer gentle feedback to others in the group.
Some evenings you may decide to participate in creating SoulCollage® cards.
And EVERY day you make the decision to support yourself as a writer in whatever way you need the most!
The objective is to leave the retreat exhilarated with what you have accomplished as a writer.
And if having 7 glorious summer days to write, receive feedback and share the writer’s journey isn’t enough incentive, you will be nourished by the signature sumptuous meals of Chef Deborah A. Rankine!
To learn more about the culinary expertise of Chef Deb,
please visit:
The InkSlingers’ Writing Retreat Location:
Loretto Maryholme is a spirituality centre, a ministry of the Canadian Loretto Sisters with a special focus on the areas of justice, education, and spirituality. Located at Roches Point on a hilltop overlooking Lake Simcoe, this glorious 1870’s historic family estate offers a place to rest and renew yourself.
As you travel down the lane of tall pines and spirea to the spectacular lake view you can feel yourself relaxing into that mindset that inspires great writing.
Dates: July 4th to July 10th, 2011
Registration Fees:
Earlybird Fee:
$1195 + HST
(If booked up to and including April 30th, 2011)
[quickshop:Early Bird price for Inkslingers July Retreat:price:1350.35:end] $1195 + HST = $1350.35 (double occupancy)
PLEASE NOTE that a 5% Discount applies for WCDR and other affiliate members
[quickshop:WCDR member Early Bird price for Inkslingers July Retreat:price:1282.83:end] WCDR Member Earlybird rate for Inkslingers July Retreat$1135.25 + HST = $1282.83(double occupancy)
If booked March 1, 2011 or afterwards:
[quickshop:Regular rate for Inkslingers July Retreat:price:1576.35:end] $1395.00 + HST = $1576.35 (double occupancy)
PLEASE NOTE that a 5% Discount applies for WCDR and other affiliate members
[quickshop:WCDR member Regular rate for Inkslingers July Retreat:price:1497.53:end] WCDR Member Regular Rate for Inkslingers July Retreat $1325.25 + HST = $1497.53(double occupancy)
Registration fees cover all tuition, meals and double accommodation.
The retreat site is spacious. The bedrooms are beautiful. The extensive grounds, gardens, shoreline, common rooms and enormous sun porches provide many private locations to curl up in and write.
If you prefer single accomodation, there is a $350 surcharge.
[quickshop:Single occupancy surcharge:price:350:end] $350 single occupancy surcharge
Payment schedule:
To save your spot, a non-refundable deposit of $500 is required at the time of every registration.
[quickshop:Deposit for Inkslingers July retreat:price:500:end] $500 Cdn. deposit for Inkslingers July retreat
To take full advantage of our earlybird fee structure, 50% of the registration fee must be paid by April 30th, 2011.
The entire registration fee must be paid in full by June 4th, 2011 (30 days before the retreat).
Cancellation Policy:
For a cancellation requested up to and including June 4th, all but the deposit is refundable. After June 4th, no refunds will be available, although, if the retreat is sold out, fully paid retreatants may transfer their fee to another person.
Please note that although the Centre is owned and operated by the Canadian Loretto Sisters, they do not reside on the premises and will not be attending the retreats.
I Hate Poetry! (but I love it anyway) Workshop – October 16th, 2010
Saturday October 16th
Time: 10:00 to 4:00
Place: The brand new Trent University building (Oshawa Campus) King and Thornton Street, Oshawa)
Cost: $95
($85 for WCDR, WEN, WHEN, PWAC members)
PLEASE NOTE: Lunch was originally to be provided, but Trent (Oshawa campus) does not have a cafeteria open on Saturdays. Several restaurants are nearby but we recommend bringing a lunch.
Join James Dewar for a fun, fulfilling, full-day workshop on breaking through the walls that prevent the writing and appreciation of poetry.
What is the difference between poetry and prose?
What is the ‘job’ of good poetry?
Is the difficult practice of writing in rhyme making a comeback?
What are the most popular and interesting forms today?
Why is “surprise” so important to good poetry?
What is SLAM poetry and why is it so popular?
What are the basic techniques of performing poetry?
This is a writing-based, participation-oriented experience.
So come prepared to write and take home poems!
Click on the photo to learn more about me:
[quickshop: I Hate Poetry workshop price for WCDR members:price:85:end] $85.00 Member Price for I Hate Poetry workshop
[quickshop: I Hate Poetry l workshop price for nonmembers:price:95:end] $95.00 Non-Member Price for I Hate Poetry workshop