Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Toronto area

Pat Schneider Ontario Writing Retreat Autumn 2013


Pat’s 2012 Retreat was fully booked within 2 days of confirming the details. Pat has just agreed to come back to Ontario in Autumn 2013


October 20-25th

Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity!
Limited to 12 participants. .

The wisest teacher of writing I know.
Peter Elbow author of Writing Without Teachers, (from the foreword of Pat’s Writing Alone and with Others)


Honesty is creative oxygen.
Generosity is creative fire.
Pat Schneider is a fuse lighter. Her work is gentle, playful,
brilliant, and revolutionary.

Julia Cameron author of The Artist’s Way


To visit Pat’s website, click HERE.
In May of 2011 Pat Schneider led a five day retreat/writing workshop on the shores of Lake Simcoe in the beautiful Loretto MaryHolme Retreat Centre. (Loretto Maryholme Centre)

Inkslingers is thrilled to announce that Pat will be returning in fall of 2013 from the evening of October 20th to after lunch on October 25th. This retreat will consist of writing with Pat for four hours every morning. The rest of the day is given over to each retreatant continuing to write, read, relax, walk, meditate or whatever needs to be done to support your writer’s soul, in community with other writers.

A manuscript may be sent ahead of time for one on one consultation with AWA facilitator Sue Reynolds who will be aiding and supporting Pat during the retreat.

To register for Pat’s Ontario retreat, please fill out the contact form below. As soon as the details have been confirmed as to venue, we will contact you to pay a deposit of $500.





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    Please register me for Pat Schneider's Autumn 2013 Ontario Retreat

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    Please tell us a little bit about your relationship to your writing generally right now:

    Please tell us a little bit about what project you're working on right now (if any):

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