Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Creative Writing workshop

I Hate Poetry! (but I love it anyway) Workshop – October 16th, 2010

Saturday October 16th
Time: 10:00 to 4:00
Place: The brand new Trent University building (Oshawa Campus) King and Thornton Street, Oshawa)
Cost: $95
($85 for WCDR, WEN, WHEN, PWAC members)

PLEASE NOTE: Lunch was originally to be provided, but Trent (Oshawa campus) does not have a cafeteria open on Saturdays. Several restaurants are nearby but we recommend bringing a lunch.


Join James Dewar for a fun, fulfilling, full-day workshop on breaking through the walls that prevent the writing and appreciation of poetry.

What is the difference between poetry and prose?

What is the ‘job’ of good poetry?

Is the difficult practice of writing in rhyme making a comeback?

What are the most popular and interesting forms today?

Why is “surprise” so important to good poetry?

What is SLAM poetry and why is it so popular?

What are the basic techniques of performing poetry?

This is a writing-based, participation-oriented experience.

So come prepared to write and take home poems!

James Dewar 175 pixels wide

About the Instructor

Click on the photo to learn more about me:


[quickshop: I Hate Poetry workshop price for WCDR members:price:85:end] $85.00 Member Price for I Hate Poetry workshop

[quickshop: I Hate Poetry l workshop price for nonmembers:price:95:end] $95.00 Non-Member Price for I Hate Poetry workshop