Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Create a website Pickering Ontario

Create Your First Website in One Day: WordPress for Beginners


Registration at bottom of this page. Please scroll down.


Time: 10:00a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Date: Sunday, November 4, 2012
Place: Seneca College, Markham Campus
Cost: $110.00
……….(95.00 for WCDR members and affiliates plus HST

Everyone who needs to stay in touch with clients needs a web presence. In the book world today, publishers expect authors to be actively involved in marketing themselves and their books. Enterprising authors have even used the power of the internet to promote upcoming publications, a practice beautifully exemplified by author Terry Fallis before his first novel release, Best Laid Plans.

Managing your own website and blog enables you to promote awareness of your business, writing projects, provide the details of your publishing history, and maintain connection to your existing and future readers. A WordPress Blog Site is one of the most economical ways to make the best use of the communication technology available today.

Especially in the case of a first book, your delivery of a professional look and an assertive stance towards promotion could be the turning point in attracting the interest of a top agent or landing a book deal.

WordpressA WordPress blog allows a writer to post his or her thoughts on the Internet easily and begin an interactive relationship with readers.

During this workshop, each participant will sign up for a free WordPress blog and use it to practice creating a basic website.

Participants will begin with some top-down thinking such as:

  • How will this blog clearly express your talents and goals?
  • How do you make your site more visible and attractive?
  • Why are Themes so important in design and what vital aspects need to be considered?
  • At what point (if at all) will you want to transfer from a free blog-based site to your own URL? (e.g., www.piquantproductions.ca vs. www.piquantproductions.wordpress.ca )

We will follow this up with some practical, hands-on work such as:

  • Creating categories, posts, pages and links
  • Selecting a theme or look for the site
  • Adding images and video
  • Managing comments made by visitors to your site
  • Changing the order of a post by using the date stamp
  • Learning how to set the visibility level of a post – private, password protected or public

Please note these prerequisites: Participants must bring a laptop with wireless capability. Seneca College will supply participants with guest wireless access during the workshop, but computers will not be provided.


James DewarSue ReynoldsJames Dewar and Sue Reynolds both started their respective presences on the Internet five years ago with free WordPress sites under the tutelage of the incomparable Webmaster Rich Helms. Today they run a thriving freelance writing and web design business managing more than 30 sites. Passionate about the possibilities and flexibility that WordPress offers beginners, they recommend its simplicity and affordability to authors establishing a communication link to the world.

Click the appropriate button to pay with Credit Card or on PayPal: (Please note – registration is limited to 18 people. Prepayment is a requirement to hold your place. To make arrangements to prepay by cheque, contact James and Sue through the contact page.)

[quickshop:Wordpress for Beginners for WCDR and Affiliated Members:price:107.35:end]$95.00 + HST ($12.35) WordPress For Beginners Workshop for WCDR members and Affiliates, SEB and OSEB members