Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

SoulCollage® Studio Nights

In Spring 2012 Sue continues her “SoulCollage Studio Nights” series.

On these evenings, SoulCollage stations will be set up, ready to go by 5:30 p.m.

From then until 10:30 p.m., participants are welcome to come and work on making cards for their SoulCollage decks.

There will be no formal teaching component that evening, as there is for the full-day workshops.

A light supper is provided. You don’t have to come right at 5:30. Come after work, whenever, drop into your spot, eat when you’re ready, leave when you need to. It’s simply an oasis of SoulCollage in the month.

There will be images waiting for you, blank cards and blank sleeves. Bring your own unfinished cards, your already selected images — or come with nothing. Everything you need will be here.

There are 8 spots maximum for these evenings.

The nights go from 5:30 to 10:00 pm.

Monday March 19th
Tuesday June 12th

If those dates don’t work for you, another local SoulCollage facilitator is also offering some studio evenings; please check out Theresa Dekker’s website: Heart Fire Expressions.

[quickshop:Payment for SoulCollage Studio:price:35:end] $35.00 Payment for each SoulCollage Studio Evening