Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Leaving a Trace – how to write memoir

A full day workshop on how to write compelling memoirs

Sunday November 14th, 2010
Time: 10:00 to 4:00
Cost: $110
($95 for WCDR, WEN, WHEN, PWAC members)


Is there something about your life you’re longing to share? Were you part of a historical event that you could cast a personal and illuminating light on? Have you dreamt of creating a memoir or autobiography for your children or grandchildren, letting them know what the world was like when you were growing up or starting out? If you’ve ever wanted to put your memories down on paper but don’t know where to start or how to finish, this course is for you.

Using the techniques of Writing Practice, Susan Lynn Reynolds and James Dewar will be leading an all day session that will distil your memories into writer’s ink and help you begin setting them down on paper and crafting them into a cohesive memoir.

This workshop will focus on techniques for getting original memories down in all their sensuous detail, and riveting your reader in the process. There will be discussion on how to recognize the possibilities for short fiction in your writing as well.

Participants will leave the workshop having written and read their work, having listened to the lives of others and had their own work – and lives – listened to.

James and Sue have been teaching these skills in their popular “A Novel Approach to Finishing Your Memoir or Novel in One Year” workshop and are happy to be offering it in the beautiful new Aurora Cultural Centre.

About the Instructors

Click on the photos to learn more about us:

Sue in the mountainsJames in the mountains


[quickshop: Show Don’t Tell workshop price for WCDR members:price:95:end] $95.00 Member Price for Show Don’t Tell workshop

[quickshop: Show Don’t Tell workshop price for non-members:price:110:end] $110.00 Member Price for Show Don’t Tell workshop