Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Creative Writing Conference Presenter

Last year I received a call for papers from the first ever CCWWP conference for both academic and non-academic creative writing teachers and professors.

At the last minute (as usual!) I sent in two proposals for papers – and about 8 weeks later I received notice that one of my papers had been chosen. Then, to top it off, the conference contacted me over the summer and asked me to chair the panel where I’ll be presenting my paper.

So on October 10th, I’ll be at the Banff Centre for Creativity chairing a panel on Activisms of Creative Writing. Here is my paper title and those of my fellow panelists:

  • Writing Outside the Mainstream: Beyond Prison Life, Beyond Mental Illness
    Ray Hsu & Lenore Rowntree
  • Creative Writing as a Benefit for Incarcerated Women Susan Reynolds
  • Creative Writing as a Site of Cultural Action Di Brandt
  • Creative Writing and Social Betterment Louis Cabri

I’ll put a post on here afterwards and let you know how it went!