Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Chasing the Divine Anthology – Call for Submission

Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2015

Click here to go to website directly

Seeking submissions on the subject of faith in the twenty-first century in a multicultural Canadian context. This anthology will explore how faith experiences, early or late, active or lapsed, continue to confine, define and refine our lives in an arguably post-Christian society. How has religious faith, or perhaps the loss of it, affected your relationships, your work, your self-awareness? Where and how do you connect to the sacred? What sustains you when you go through a ‘dark night of the soul’?

If you have a story to tell, we invite you to submit a personal essay of up to 4,000 words. We welcome experiences from all faith traditions. Submissions should not have been previously published.

Click here to go to the website directly: https://www.thecapilanoreview.ca/robin-blaser-award/

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