Writing Workshops, Retreats, Mentoring

Breakfast Speaker Comments

Testimonials from former WCDR breakfast Speakers:

It was an honour to speak at the WCDR breakfast. I was very impressed by the organization and sense of community of the writing group. It was nice to speak to a group of writers and I enjoyed chatting with members afterwards. I wish you all the best and congratulate you on your work!” Suzanne Desrochers, Author.

“I was so impressed with the warmth and diversity of WCDR. I only wish every writer had the kind of varied, inspirational and kind-hearted community that the members of WDCR have created. There is literary magic brewing in Durham region.” Vikki VanSickle, Author, Marketing and Publicity Coordinator at HarperCollins Canada.

“Talking to fellow writers is always a pleasure, but my breakfast event with the WCDR crowd was special. The passion in the room, the evident love of literature and writing, was infectious, and I came away from my morning feeling better about both the business of books, and the life of being someone who writes them.”
Charlie Foran, Author, Winner of the 2011 Charles Taylor Prize for Non-Fiction

“It’s always a great comfort, as a speaker, to stand at the front of the room and look out upon a sea of writers faces. Faces that get it. I like visiting with WCDR because it’s a very supportive, nurturing, fun group to speak to…kind of like a 12 Step program for Writers.”
Neil Crone Columnist, Author, Actor www.neilcrone.com


“I thoroughly enjoyed being a breakfast speaker for the WCDR. The event was well organized, and everything unfolded on time. Best of all, the large audiernce was engaged and intelligent.”
Cynthia Good, Director of Creative Book Publishing, Humber College


“Thanks for including me as part of one of your WCDR breakfasts. It’s always a pleasure to read to–and talk to–intelligent and enthusiastic readers.”
Ray Robertson, www.rayrobertson.com


I had wonderful time speaking at the WCDR breakfast. What amazing people. And what a rich, warm, diverse, and supportive community you have created. I was thunderstruck at the scope of activities and opportunities you offer your members. You should be congratulated. I’d come back anytime.
Terry Fallis, www.terryfallis.com
author of The Best Laid Plans and winner of the 2008 Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour
Read more about what Terry has to say about breakfast with the WCDR!


Speaking to the WCDR was a special experience for me. If only all of my public speaking involved such an engaged and attentive audience! It was a pleasure and great lift for me to be surrounded by such creative and energetic forces!

Mark Cullen Gardening expert and author of 18 non-fiction books


Thank you for inviting me to speak at the monthly WCDR meeting – I was absolutely awed by the size of the WCDR membership, their enthusiasm for publishing and ‘buzz’ that’s in the air during the meeting. It’s fantastic and would highly recommend the experience to anyone given the opportunity.

Amy Jones, Product Manager – Retail Single Title Business Team, Harlequin Enterprises Ltd


Thanks for having me as a guest speaker. As you know I speak all over the world for a living. I wish all clients were as professionally organized as you and all audiences like WCDR. Packed house, great questions and thoughtful feedback. It’s with audiences like that that speakers develop and improve. Can’t wait to be invited back.
Keep up the good work.
Nicholas Boothman, www.nicholasboothman.com

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“Boothman is the new Dale Carnegie.” — The New York Times


I’ve twice now given breakfast talks for the Writers’ Circle of Durham Region, and both times it’s been a fabulous experience. The audience is attentive and talented, the questions thoughtful and probing, the ambience warm and congenial, the food plentiful and tasty — and, as if all that weren’t enough, the members buy a lot of your books from the local bookseller, who sets up a table during these events. A terrific way to start any day; I highly recommend it to writers of all types.

Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of WAKE


Thank you for inviting me to speak at your February 14 breakfast meeting. It was fun and invigorating, and I met several people who are keen to learn more about writing children’s literature. The WCDR is a marvelous group and an excellent way for writers in Durham Region to connect with each other. Writing can be a lonely pursuit and it’s always encouraging to meet others who are on a similar journey!

Wendy Lewis , Author


Just a quick note to say that I had a lot of fun at your not so little shindig this morning. An insightful and appreciative set of people. You run a tight ship there, no matter how many hats you have on.

Richard Scrimger, author


The WCDR is a remarkably attentive group of writers and lovers of literature. Their passion is intense and their commitment unflagging.This is one of the warmest circles of literati I have ever spoken to – to appear before them is a delight.

Antanas Sileika, author & the Director, Humber School for Writers


I had never heard of the WCDR prior to my invitation to speak, and had no idea what to expect when I arrived. I was greeted with a very warm, receptive, engaging group of writers, who were passionate about the craft of writing, and the possibilities that come with it. I left there feeling appreciated and affirmed, and encourage other writers to check them out.

Dwayne Morgan, Spoken word poet & impresario


The Writer’s Circle of Durham region is a well organized, well-informed bunch and I was delighted to be asked to speak at one of their monthly breakfast gatherings. The crowd was animated and interested in what I had to offer, and volunteered good questions after my talk. This is a great way to spend a Saturday morning. I would happily participate in another of the group’s events in the future.

Elizabeth Ruth, author


“I am very happy to have spoken at the WCDR breakfast. The writers were a lovely bunch of people, and the organization as a whole a pleasure to deal with – very well organized indeed! The location was nice and the breakfast was delicious. I recommend it to anyone who might be lucky enough to be invited to speak there (with the admonition that they should make sure to give a good enough presentation to deserve such good treatment).”

James Harbeck editor, writer, designer, linguistic enthusiast